


A Pain In The Joint

June 1st, 2022|

A PAIN IN THE JOINT The joints in our bodies are often a source of pain. This can be due to problems within the joint, for example arthritis (wear and tear/degeneration) [...]

10 Tips for office workers

May 1st, 2022|

 10 Tips for office workers Some of the most common injuries we see coming in are office workers with neck, shoulder and repetitive strain injuries. Similarly if you commute to work in a [...]

Golf injuries

April 15th, 2022|

Playing golf has many health benefits both physically and mentally. A full 18 hole round of golf depending on your body size can burn around 1,400 or more calories. However, golf requires a certain level [...]


April 1st, 2022|

What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a condition where your bones become more fragile, so they can break more easily than the average adult. It is a silent condition because the first symptom is [...]

Long Covid and Breathlessness

March 14th, 2022|

Long Covid and Breathlessness Breathlessness Feeling breathless is a common symptom during an acute Covid infection. Doing activities as simple as getting dressed may leave you feeling short of breath. For most [...]

Long Covid Fatigue

March 7th, 2022|

Long Covid Fatigue What is fatigue? Fatigue is a feeling of extreme exhaustion. It is also the most common symptom of Long Covid. If you experience Long Covid fatigue you may not [...]

What is Long Covid?

March 1st, 2022|

What is Long Covid? It is normal for Covid symptoms, such as fatigue or shortness of breath, to persist for up to four weeks after becoming unwell. However for some people, the symptoms [...]


February 2nd, 2022|

Maintaining mobility in retirement If you don't move it, you'll lose it One of the myths people think about retiring is that they are going to relax.  However, while they won’t be working in a [...]

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