Back pain is the most common condition we treat here at East Cork Physiotherapy, Balance & Acupuncture Clinic. One of the most common misconceptions that we see as Physiotherapists are “SLIPPED DISCS”

Have you or do you know anyone who has been told that they have a slipped disc.

Most people have heard of the phrases:

  • Discs
  • Sciatica
  • Nerve

With regard to the Discs, that make up a key component of our spine, the perception is that they are weak and fragile.

The disc is sandwiched between 2 bones that act like a pressure plate to ensure that there is no slipping.

Discs tend to bulge and the analogy that I use is of a jam donut. With time the discs can dry out and the jam in the middle can peak through the outer lining. This is a disc bulge and in more severe cases can lead to back pain and leg pain.

What to do if you have been told you have a slipped disc

Get a proper opinion. As chartered physiotherapists we are often best placed to review your back pain and look at the big picture. Having a disc issue is common and often can be well managed with the correct treatment
Keep exercising to a painfree level. The exact exercises will depend on how your symptoms present but keeping active and strong is a great starting point.
Consider Pilates. This is a great structured format to allow you engage those core muscles and get you on the pathway to getting out of pain

If you would like more information, please contact us on 021 4633455 or you can book an appointment online by   clicking  here

We hope you enjoyed today’s blog by Kevin O’Brien, Chartered Physiotherapist.