What is Resistance Training?
Resistance training is any exercise that causes the muscles to contract against external resistance. This can be in the form of weights (barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells etc.), exercise tubing/theraband or even your own body weight. It is most commonly used to increase muscle mass and overall strength and also reduce the risk of injury in sport and other activities.

Why Should I Start Resistance Training?
There are many benefits to resistance training:
Increases and maintains muscle mass – this in turn leads to stronger and healthier joints which leads to a reduced risk of injury.
Increases bone mineral density and strength which also leads to a reduced risk of injury.
Improves sleep through regulating hormone levels in the body
Effective weight loss – consistent and well-managed strength training helps burn more calories and can also contribute to an increased metabolism, making it easier to maintain any weight loss progress.
Improves cardiovascular fitness
Improves co-ordination and balance which is very beneficial as we get older
Overall improvement in quality of life and general wellbeing

How do I Progress in my Training?
To continue to progress, load, frequency, intensity or duration must be increased. This can include increasing the weights, slowing down the movement, pausing at the bottom of a repetition or adding more sets or repetitions. We can target the strength, power, hypertrophy or endurance of muscles by manipulating the repetitions, sets, rest period, load and speed of our exercises. For example; to increase power (the ability to exert force quickly) you may do 3-5 sets of 1-3 repetitions with a 3-5minute rest between sets. However, to increase endurance (the ability to exert force over a longer period of time) you may do 1-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions with 30-60second rest between sets. The weight used for endurance focused exercises would be less than those for power focused ones.

What if I’ve been Injured before?
Before starting any new training program it’s always best to seek advice on what exercises would best suit you and your needs. Physiotherapists can guide you as to what exercises can best target certain areas, are good for prevention and rehabilitation of injuries and they can also give advice on form and technique which is important for ensuring you safety and wellbeing during your workouts.

If you would like any further information on how to get started on your fitness journey feel free to contact us at East Cork Physiotherapy, Balance & Acupuncture on 021-4633455 or you can book an appointment online by   clicking  here

We hope you enjoyed today’s blog by Eileen Foyle, Chartered Physiotherapist of East Cork Physiotherapy, Balance & Acupuncture Clinic.